Hun fortalte også, at jeg skal gå på samme skole som hende, fordi hun jo kommer hjem til næste år. Hun skal være senior og så kender jeg da i det mindste én! Og hun har været i Danmark, så mon ikke vi er lidt på bølgelængde.
Min skole hedder West Valley High og deres maskot og Wolfpack (ulveflok) og farverne er rød og guld! I kan læse om skolen her: og
Okay, so I finally found out my host city. Actually I found out a while ago, but I didn't think it was that much of a reliable source, becaue an american exchange student who's currently in Denmark from Fairbanks, Alaska, told me that her dad and a Rotarian told her their club was hosting me. Her family was even asked to host me, but apparently other people did too. But it can go down to -47 degrees celcius during winter, but at the same time it's central Alaska, so it's a lot hotter during summer.
She also told me I would be going to the same school as her, so at least I would know one person - yay! Our school's called West Valley High with the Wolfpack mascot and the red and gold colors.
You can read about the school on and
Love you peeps!